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2014-10-31 13:24 作者: 系统抓取 【字体: 我要投搞

  •     张美莉,福建省泉州市人。1945年生,1968年毕业于福建师范大学美术系。中国美术家协会会员、中国水彩画家学会会员、福建省三明市书画院专职画家,曾从事美术教育工作和水彩画研究工作近三十年,现居深圳市。二十几年来,张美莉的水彩画频频入选参加国内外重要美术大 展,屡次获奖并被中国美术馆收藏,作品被选送美国、日本、俄罗斯及中国的香港、台湾等地展出,被美国和日本收藏,作品流传许多国家,深受好评。






        Watercolor painting master mei-li zhang -China painting ndustry leader

        Meili Zhang, she was Born in QuanZhou city of Fu Jian province in 1945,graduated from  fine Arts Department of Fu Jian Normal University  in 1968.Member of Chinese artists association, Chinese watercolor painters association. She works for sanming city, fujian province academy of full-time painter, who work in the fine arts education and watercolor painting research work for nearly 30 years, now living in Shenzhen.For 20 years.

        Mei li Zhang’s watercolor painting has been selected to participate in fine arts important exhibitions at home and abroad, won the prize repeatedly and collected by National art museum of China, the works have been chosen to exhibition at  the United States, Japan, Russia and China's Hong Kong and Taiwan, collected by the United States and Japan, the works are popular in  many countries. The  Watercolor of "vegetables"painting in 1984  is selected  in the sixth national art exhibition.In 1994, the "fish"  also selected in the eighth national art exhibition. “fresh fruit of August”in 1986, “fresh fruit”in 1992,  "Chinese cabbage"in 1998 respectively were  selected  in the first, second, the forth watercolor painting , powder painting exhibition. _disibledevent="word-spacing: 0px; font: 14px/30px 宋体, san-serif; text-transform: none; color: rgb(0,0,0); text-indent: 0px; white-space: normal; letter-spacing: normal; background-color: rgb(251,253,255); text-align: left; orphans: 2; widows: 2; webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px">    In 2012 by Chinese literature and history press album: watercolor painting master, mei-li zhang as the communist party of China (" the eighteenth big "and the" two sessions "in 2014 the gifts and country gift, present in many countries and people at home and abroad, is deep foreign authorities spoke highly of. 20 2013 painting works were"smashing the artist records in China".



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